Health & Wellness Blog

Read the latest news about Neuro Emotional Technique (NET), Nutrition and Holistic Health & Healing

  • NET accuracy is amazing

    Client Spotlight: Diane D

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  • A Shock To The System

    I read an amazing article by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer on how cancer starts in the brain with an initial trauma. Because different areas of the brain can affect different organs, the outcome of a trauma, hence cancer in some cases, can end up in a particular organ. Each organ/organ [...]

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  • Dr. Scott Walker interviews Dr. Daniel A. Monti – Part III

      This video is part 3 of an interview with Dr. Daniel A. Monti about a new intervention for cancer patients. In this part, Dr. Monti discusses the mind-body model and why it has not been fully embraced in the conventional medical community. He explains that the mind-body connection is [...]

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  • What did the data reveal about the Cerebellum? – Daniel Monti, M.D.

      This video discusses the role of the cerebellum in stress and emotional regulation. The speaker, Daniel Monti, M.D., explains that new research has shown that the cerebellum is connected to the limbic brain, which is involved in emotions. This connection helps to explain how the cerebellum can influence stress [...]

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  • Holistic Medicine For Dogs, Video Testimonial

    Client Spotlight: Patti G & Smoochie

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  • Ulcerative Colitis Diets

    Ulcerative Colitis Diets: Nutrition for UC, IBD & Crohn’s Disease

    If you’re reading these words, chances are you (or someone you love) are suffering from a lower quality of life because of ulcerative colitis, and you most likely got here from a Google search for Ulcerative Colitis Diets. (or you may have seen this posted on Facebook or another social [...]

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  • Foods To Avoid and Why

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  • NET Reduces Symptoms of Traumatic Stress in Cancer Survivors

    The study focuses on 23 cancer patients who had distressing cancer-related experiences that caused traumatic stress. Some received NET and others were waitlisted to a control. All patients received a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while listening to the story of their distressing cancer memory before and after NET.

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  • Feeling Stuck In Life: How To Recognize It & Overcome It

    At some point in life, many people - yes, even successful people, experience a sense of feeling stuck. It's that feeling of being stagnant, unfulfilled, and lacking direction. But what does it mean to feel stuck in life, and why is it important to address it?

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  • Mind/Body Connection & Healing – Anna Tobia, Ph.D.

      This video discusses the mind/body connection and how it can be used to help heal the body. The speaker, Anna Tobia, Ph.D., explains that by reducing emotional stress, the body can enter a healing state where it is better able to fight infection and heal from long-term problems. Here [...]

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