forever grateful for your deep impact on my life.

Thanks so much for your continued support with my evolution as a soul. Nutritionally, physically, spiritually, mentally — I have profoundly much more joy and the tools to tackle any challenge that comes up. I have made major strides incorporating our work. And I am profoundly, forever grateful for your deep impact on my life.

~ Devo Cutler – Rubenstein
C.E.O., The Script Broker
President, Dev-O-Ron Pictures,LLC



I have unwavering respect for Mary Lou both personally and professionally.

Dr. Mary Lou Rane is a significantly rare find in the world of healing, nutrition, and integrative medicine. It has been my privilege to know and admire her for many years.

When you walk into her office, you are immediately blessed with a sense of safety, compassion, and awareness which emanates from Mary Lou at all times. She is brilliant, caring, and extremely insightful. Her ability to find and help resolve what is inhibiting one’s health and well being is profound, whether it’s originating cause is physical, emotional, spiritual – or, as is usually the case, a combination of all three.

I have unwavering respect for Mary Lou both personally and professionally.

My family and I have experienced her healing talents on many occasions, and I have enthusiastically referred my patients and friends to her for years. A session with Dr. Rane is an eye-opening – heart-opening – experience you won’t want to miss!

~ Sandy Brewer, Ph.D., Author
Pacific Grove, California


address the seminal causes of dis-ease, not only the effects

As a health professional and a patient, I have gained a deep appreciation for Dr. Mary Lou Rane’s expertise in the healing arts.

Her grasp of the mind-body complex, based on both evidence-based practices and intuitive abilities, allows her to address the seminal causes of dis-ease, not only the effects. Her investment in the care of her patients and her suspension of judgement is so compelling that she gains access to areas which have longed for attention.

But what makes her even more exceptional is that she embraces the wisdom of the body to reveal clues for personal enlightenment, facilitating a sustained state of wellness and empowerment.

~ Steven Sadowsky, D.D.S., F.A.C.P
Bainbridge Island, Washington



I found her treatments extraordinarily valuable!

Dr. Mary Lou Rane is a skilled practitioner, who is trained to assist a patient in discovering the original agreements in their body-mind consciousness, that has become his/her blueprint for creating reality.

Her unique integration from several branches of advanced studies of neurology, nutrition and kinesiology, creates a holistic approach that reveals each person’s root of agreement for the repetitive cycles born of their genetics, conditions for love, culture and survival perspectives, while at the same time, revealing the pathway for changing these signals in the brain and nervous system.

Having had the opportunity to be treated by Mary Lou, I was amazed at the simple and profound insights that revealed the time and situation that had formed my perception of reality. Once uncovered, with the techniques she employs to re-circuit the firing mechanism in the brain and cellular intelligence, I was able to choose new responses and perspectives.

I found her treatments extraordinarily valuable!

~ Linda McCallum,
Intuitive Consultant/Business Owner
Rainier, Washington



simply magical

Mary Lou is pure brilliance. The time with her is well, simply magical. It is an honor and a privilege to be able to work with her. Mary Lou is truly a gift to the world and to the human spirit.

~ Chad E. Brown
C.E.O., Financial Instituition
Los Angeles, California



She is the one influence that has made the biggest difference in my overall health in the past 54 years.

Every time I visit Mary Lou, I have the one thought…I am so happy that Mary Lou is alive in my lifetime. She is the one influence that has made the biggest difference in my overall health in the past 54 years.

My journey started 3 years before I met Mary Lou. I always had pain in my body my whole life. My mother is the same way. So one day I decided that I didn’t need to be in constant pain. So I sought health care practitioners that might have answers. I went to chiropractors, healers, intuitives, acupuncturists, and anyone that people recommended. Finally a friend suggested Mary Lou and I made an appointment that day.

To think what I was like before my first visit and what I’m like now is amazing. I could hardly eat anything because I was allergic to so many foods. I had to be careful what skincare products I used; what foods I ate, and even what was in the air. I had suffered from Crohn’s Disease and was starting to suffer from Arthritis. I was having hot flashes, and I ate a lot of chocolate to feel emotionally better. My body was in constant pain. Even though that sounds like a lot, I thought I was living a very normal life.

Now I can hardly even remember those days. I wake up in the morning happy to start the day. It has been like a big onion gently peeling back the layers. Mary Lou’s work is easy and fun and does not require any work at all. I simply go to see her once a week and come out feeling like I released a block in my system that was holding me back. It’s not traditional therapy where you have to think about your past and try to resolve issues. Mary Lou’s emotional release work happens and then you forget about it. I no longer have Crohn’s Disease. I have very few aches and pains; my hot flashes and joint pain are completely gone. And I’m not allergic to anything anymore.

Our bodies are maps to our past. Mary Lou pinpoints the spots that are causing the pain or the illness and releases them. I look forward to my once a week trip to Mary Lou’s like a child looks forward to a Ferris wheel ride. You don’t know what you are going to uncover…but it really is refreshing!

Recently I broke both of my arms and had a concussion from a fall. I went to the ER for x-rays. The very next day, I did a phone session with Mary Lou, and she said that something was broken, yet the radiologist and the 2 doctors in the ER said no bones were broken. It wasn’t until 4 dayslater, when I saw an orthopedist, that he read the x-rays correctly. He said I had fractured both radial heads in my arms. I have healed very fast due to the supplements Mary Lou started me on immediately. I never even took one aspirin for the pain.

I have so many “Mary Lou” stories, I couldn’t possibly write them all down here.

If you happen to read this and have the chance to work with Mary Lou, consider yourself lucky. I do!!!!

Thank you Mary Lou!

~ Marcia Gross
Corporate CEO
Santa Monica, California



Your life will never be the same and it will never be better.

I have been a client of Dr. Mary Lou Rane for twenty-three years. It’s not that I have gone steadily during those years, but Mary Lou is an integral part of my life and health. She has guided me through many personal issues.

My experience with Dr. Mary Lou Rane came about when I needed to lose some weight. I made a deal with myself that I would either join Weight Watchers or find a nutritionist. Thank God a million times over that I chose the latter. The first thing I learned was how to eat, I didn’t have a clue. With Mary Lou, I never dieted, yet I lost the weight, and feel and look (immodestly speaking) amazing to this day.

The first thing you learn is: it is not about the diet, rather it is how our internal belief systems cause us to make choices in life that are in conflict with what we truly want and deserve. If you believe on a deep level that you can have a healthy mind and body then that is what you will create. It is a process and a personal journey. It is not for the faint hearted, it takes work and courage like anything else worth having does. But the reward of growth, health and clarity, is the most powerful gift that you can bestow on yourself.

Mary Lou is the facilitator. She is in part, healer, psychic, psychologist and nutritionist rolled into one. Just like the mind and body, many parts as one.

Your life will never be the same and it will never be better. Trust me, or ask for my number, I’ll be happy to share over the phone.

~ Janet Baker-Richardson
Photographer / Screenwriter
Los Angeles, California



My health improved so much thanks to you. And not only that, I have grown as a person.

I am so glad that I got to know you. You are one of those people who have come into my life and have touched me, helped me, picked me up when I was on the floor.

You really are a wonderful person. Thank you so much for all your help. Thanks for sharing those gifts that you have, gifts of healing. My health improved so much thanks to you. And not only that, I have grown as a person.

Thanks for your love, for your willingness to help and reach out to others. You have changed my life. You taught me that “Love always wins,” and that I can choose to be happy no matter the circumstances. I’ll be forever thankful for all your help.

~ Love,
Ana Morales
Provo, Utah



“I need a miracle,” I tell Mary Lou’s secretary the next day. “Does she perform miracles?” Assuring me that Mary Lou does, the secretary puts my name on a waiting list for a cancellation.

I’m in my friend Gina’s kitchen when I tell her that I’m sick again. She grabs me by the wrist and says, “You have got to see Mary Lou.”
This isn’t the first time she’s told me to see her nutritionist but it’s the first time I’ve taken her phone number. I’ve seen nutritionists, chiropractors, homeopaths, osteopaths, acupuncturists, hypnotherapists, psychotherapists, psychic healers, holistic M.D.’s, and traditional gastroenterologists, none of whom have helped me cure myself of ulcerative colitis.

I know from my symptoms that I am once again days away from being hooked up to an IV which will administer massive amounts of prednisone, calming my colon and swelling my face and body beyond recognition.

My sweet, freckle-faced, dedicated gastroenterologist has told me more than once over the seven years that I have had this disease that I will have it on and off for the rest of my life, unless I have my colon removed, an option I have not yet considered, despite the drugs, the debilitation and the recurrent damage to the quality of my life.

“I need a miracle,” I tell Mary Lou’s secretary the next day. “Does she perform miracles?”

Assuring me that Mary Lou does, the secretary puts my name on a waiting list for a cancellation.

The following week I sit in Dr. Mary Lou Rane’s living room/waiting room on a brightly upholstered couch, gazing into the flame of a large blue candle, which rests, along with several crystal bowls and a tall gold vase of white roses, on a large square black antique Chinese coffee table. An unusually large number of rhododendrons spill out from the corners of the room. A potted tree scrapes the high, blue, beamed ceiling. I find it hard to beat back hope.

A pretty woman in her 40’s bursts out of her office in a blur of vibrant silks and says hello, her voice full of cheerful curiosity, as though she can’t wait to find out what’s wrong with me. Once we are in her small office I tell her my history.

“Colitis?” she says, “That’s easy.”

“Easy?” I think.

Seven years earlier: I lie in bed in a private hospital room. Vases of flowers sit on surfaces all around the room. Children’s drawings cover a wall. My gastroenterologist sits next to me in front of a big window, beyond which lie rooftops, treetops, and the summer sky. I see only the inside lids of my closed eyes.

“Liz,” she says. “I’m worried about you. You’re very sick. I think you should consider having surgery.”

I keep my eyes closed, watch my breath going in and going out. When I first came to the hospital, every time I moved my bowels, I felt like I was committing hari-kari. But right now nothing hurts, now that I’m no longer eating real food, now that I’m getting all my nourishment intravenously from TPN—Total Parental Nutrition—fluids in two plastic bags suspended from the IV pole next to me. One bag contains fats or “lipids,” a white thick cream, the other yellow a thinner liquid the color of whiskey or apple juice.

The gastroenterologist has told my husband that I am the sickest colitis patient she has ever had, that she has been up all night worrying about me, that she cannot in good conscience let me go on like this, that she is afraid that I might die. She recommends that I have my colon removed. Neither she nor my husband have yet told me this. It has never occurred to me that my life is threatened.

There’s no way I’m letting anyone take out my colon. Without opening my eyes, without disturbing the evenness of my breath, I say, “Give me time, you have to give me time.” She says okay, quietly, sounding unconvinced. She tells my husband that she can only give me another day or two. The following day, without my knowing that I am under such a tight deadline, my bleeding begins to subside. I stay in the hospital another six weeks, until my blood count is normal. I enter remission, which lasts for four years.

Mary Lou motions for me to lie down on her table. She gently pinches the bridge of my nose with her thumb and forefinger, and then tries to push down my right arm, which I am holding straight up towards the ceiling. My arm weakens. “You have parasites.”

I think how can you know that from touching the bridge of my nose and then wrestling with my arm? Then I recall that several weeks earlier a lab out of state told me I have parasites. The technician I talked to on the phone said that the particular parasite I was hosting looked and behaved like ulcerative colitis. I relay this information to Mary Lou, who seems only mildly interested.

I ask a holistic M.D. I have seen a few times, who has given me Chinese herbs, which I take orally, and megavitamins, intravenously, what he thinks of the lab that told me I have parasites. He says the lab is reputable, that he would trust their results, but that I need to take antibiotics. My gastroenterologist, who already had me tested for parasites, says I don’t need to take antibiotics because I don’t have parasites. She says of the out of state lab, “They tell everyone they have parasites. They lie.” Mary Lou says she doesn’t care what any lab says or what any M.D. says, I have parasites but I don’t need antibiotics. What I need are capsules containing organic substances like okra, almond and papain. She tells me exactly how many of each to take and how often, all of which she determines through muscle testing, or Contact Reflex Analysis. She also tells me to eat only pureed vegetables, brown rice, applesauce, oatmeal and sweet potatoes for the next week or so.

My husband, who in the past has seen me resort to extreme dietary regimens without lasting success, is more than skeptical of Mary Lou, her testing and her recommendations. He has been doing research on the Internet and has found studies done by the Mayo Clinic on the positive effects of nicotine on ulcerative colitis. He begs me to wear a nicotine patch. To his exasperation, I say no to the nicotine and no to the antibiotics and yes to the pureed zucchini and the food supplements and to Mary Lou, with her sunny solid optimism, her bright silks, her rhododendrons, and her mysterious techniques.

The next time I see her, Mary Lou places her hand on my lower left abdomen.

“Grief,” she says. She continues to ask my body questions via muscle testing, but now the questions are not only about physical weaknesses. She searches for emotions embedded in my body. She asks me to recall “original” incidents from my childhood that could trigger particular emotions, like the time my brother accidentally tossed a baseball bat in my guts and I had to be rushed to the emergency room, or how my mother used to put painfully tight rubber pink curlers in my baby fine hair to give it some life.

I’ve been in therapy for years, have identified the wounds of my childhood and their ensuing effects, and have hypothesized how they might translate into colitis. I’ve seen two psychics, one of whom told me “This is just something you have to go through;” as though I were paying a karmic debt, or passing through some kind of initiation. The other one told me I was sick because my mother had so deeply enmeshed herself into my mind/body. She told me to I had to separate from her by meditating on the images of five polished stones—white, gold, turquoise, pale pink and black.

None of these hypotheses or processes altered my symptoms. Still, I’m willing to try this new method, called NET, or Neuro-Emotional Technique. After I’ve identified the event and emotion attached to it, I come on to my knees and elbows, interlace my fingers and rest my head in my palms. Mary Lou tells me where and on which wrist to apply pressure with my index finger. Then I recall the emotion and breathe deeply until it dissipates.

Less than two weeks later, I stop bleeding, the single most terrifying symptom of ulcerative colitis. The disease leaves and never comes back. Did the okra work? Did NET work? I don’t know. What I know is that more than seven years later the illness seems like an old bad dream, as though it never really happened to me, or that it happened to another incarnation of myself.

What do I think of all this? I think of the drugs I put into my body during the years I was sick, and their possible side effects. Besides the prednisone, which can, among other things, thin bones and cause glaucoma and cataracts, I took purinethol, a drug given to transplant patients, to lower the immune system—medical thought being that ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disease—and asacol, the standard treatment for the illness. My gastroenterologist says asacol is so mild she gives it to pregnant patients. She has advised me to take it for the rest of my life. I stopped taking it several years ago.

I think of the summer I spent in the hospital when I first got sick, in 1991, when my daughter was four, in between pre-school and kindergarten; how I prepared for her visits by brushing my hair and putting on lipstick and blush in order to look as normal as possible; how I told her that the white and yellow bags on the pole next to my bed were “juice” that I was “drinking” through my arm. I think of the months she had dinner with the families of friends, until my husband picked her up after work and after an hour or so of sitting with me, his eyes heavy with the demands of his job and the burdens of a house abandoned by a sick wife.

I think of the healer from the Divine Light mission who burned sage in the hospital room; of the hours I spent meditating, listening to new age healing music; of the Nuns who came to visit me, and whose blessings I accepted, even though I’m Jewish, because I needed whatever help I could get; of my osteopath who spontaneously showed up to give me a free treatment one day; of my favorite night nurse who really knew what she was doing; of the three transfusions I had, from my husband, from a dear friend, and from my brother in Boston, who donated blood for me and had it shipped via Red Cross to Los Angeles. I think of the months and months when my face was so fat with cortisone that my sister-in-law said it was the face of a 200-pound person. I think of the longing with which I looked at other people’s cheekbones, and at old photographs of myself to see my own.

I think of the summer of 1995, when another episode claimed me for another two months. This time the insurance company encouraged me to be treated at home by visiting nurses who instructed me how to unscrew a portal and give myself prednisone intravenously followed by heparin, how to be especially careful so that I wouldn’t give myself an infection. I think of the pic line inserted into my veins when they were worn out with scar tissue.

I think of all that insertion, all that intrusion, all that fear, and all that time. Did I have colitis? Did I have parasites? Did I have both? Am I free and clear forever now? The last two times I had a colonoscopy, the results came back normal. NORMAL. Not in remission, like the couple of times before that, but NORMAL. My gastroenterologist says that never happens, that I’m the healthiest colitis patient she has ever had, that I have extraordinary determination, that I’m her miracle patient. If I begin to tell her about Mary Lou, she rolls her eyes. Mary Lou thinks I healed myself. My friend Doug, a devout Christian who prayed for me, thinks God healed me.

I think, as the late Paul Cowan once wrote in the Village Voice when he was diagnosed with cancer, that there are two lands, the land of the well and the land of the sick. When you are sick, you have the problems of the sick, not just how to get well, or how to deal with pain or fatigue or hospitals, but how to get through the day, how to deal with the sadness, until, if you are lucky enough, you get back to the land of the well.

For all those years, I felt like an exaggerated version of myself as a kid, sick with a cold or a stomach bug. My friends would come to my backyard, and yell inside to my mother to see if Lizzy could come out and play. She would have to tell them no, I couldn’t, I was sick. I’d listen from my bed to their fading voices as they walked back out of my driveway to play without me, while I stayed inside, bored, sad, lonely, missing all the fun. For seven years, on and off, I missed the fun, the chores, the meals, the errands, the work, the responsibilities, the problems, the movies and the trips of the land of the well.

I think of that moment in Gina’s kitchen when I blurted out to her how sick I was, and how she insisted that I see her nutritionist. I’m grateful that she insisted and I’m grateful that I listened. Today, I still have to remind myself what a privilege it is to go to the market and choose which piece of protein I will prepare for dinner that night, or to look like me, with my usual facial imperfections, or to cross my living room without negotiating an IV pole attached to me. When I’m stuck in traffic or waiting in line at the bank or at the airport, I tell myself to breathe in and out, that I’ll get there. Meanwhile, I tell myself, I’m lucky to be here.

~ Lisbeth Davidow
Malibu, California



After Dr. Rane listened to my medical history, she took me off all of my medications, and put me on nutritional supplements to support my digestive system and used various techniques to clear many of my allergies. Dr. Rane also used N.E.T. to clear the emotions that were the foundation of my bulimic behavior. There was a connection to my failed attempts to please my mother who had been verbally abusive to me my whole life.

Starting in childhood, I had chronic strep throat and infections, for which doctors prescribed a constant stream of antibiotics. As an adolescent, I had Epstein Barr. I also had acne for which doctors gave me Minicin and Aldactin, the latter a diuretic. At 16 my menstrual periods were so difficult – I had both painful cramps and swelling – that a doctor gave me birth control pills to regulate my periods. I also had a cyst on my left ovary, which burst. At 17 I became chronically constipated. I took laxatives, stool softeners, and had frequent colonic enemas.

At 18 I became bulimic. I made myself throw up after every meal in an effort to lose weight. Over the next 10 years, I was obsessed with my weight and my thighs. Every day, every time I looked in the mirror, I cried because I felt I was too fat, even though I was toothpick thin – a size 0. I hardly ate anything and whatever I ate upset my stomach.

I sought the help of many doctors, including four acupuncturists, two iridologists, and several internists, general practitioners, gastroenterologists, psychologists, and a psychiatrist, who put my on antidepressants which made me feel so terrible that I stopped taking them after a month.

Needless to say, nothing helped.

Finally, in 2000, when I was 28 years old, I came to see Dr. Mary Lou Rane, a nutritionist in Los Angeles. By that time, I had allergic reactions to every single food, and intense cravings for sugar. No matter what I ate, and I ate very little, I got bloated, constipated and had stomach pain.

After Dr. Rane listened to my medical history, she took me off all of my medications, and put me on nutritional supplements to support my digestive system and used various techniques to clear many of my allergies. Dr. Rane also used N.E.T. to clear the emotions that were the foundation of my bulimic behavior. There was a connection to my failed attempts to please my mother who had been verbally abusive to me my whole life.

After one session with Dr. Rane, I never cried about my body, and more importantly, I never inducted vomiting after a meal. Within three months, I got over my fear of eating. I am no longer obsessed with my weight and am no longer terrified that everything I put in my mouth will make me fat. I have a healthy diet now, and my digestion is normal. I can eat everything, except junk food, without getting bloated or constipated.

As I got healthier, I began to function better in all aspects of my life. I was happier at work and in my long-term relationship. My sex life improved and I was more in control of my emotions. I had more self-confidence, and more trust in my future. Eventually, I got married, and my husband and I built a huge house. I was so healthy that I was able to get pregnant in 2004, only after a couple of months of trying. Today, I am a completely different person. My husband and I have two children. I am happy and continue to take excellent care of myself.

( Name withheld upon request )